About the randomizer

Welcome to desmaraisp's randomizer, where youtube meets spotify in perfect harmony.

Are you tired of toggling between YouTube (including Music) and Spotify to enjoy your favorite music? Look no further, you can now seamlessly merge them all together in one easy-to-use interface.


  • Cross-platform compatibility: Whether you're on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, this ensures that your playlists are accessible anytime, anywhere. Enjoy your favorite tunes across all your devices effortlessly.
  • Synchronized player: Resume where you left off, allowing you to finally get to the bottom of that endless playlist instead of starting over every time.
  • True shuffling: Instead of hearing the same 10 tracks over and over again (hello youtube playlists), get ALL of your tracks in a random order. No tracks left behind!
  • Uncapped playlist size: There's no limit to how many tracks or playlists you can mix together. I'm personally somewhere around 600, but I'm sure some of you have more

Ready to elevate your playlist game? Head over here to add your first playlist, then enjoy your playlist here.

Technical details

  • Hosted on Cloud Run
  • Developed with NextJS + Prisma ORM
  • Data persistence through Supabase DB
  • Authentication through Supabase auth
  • See the source code
  • See the docker image
Source codeAbout me